Friday, May 18, 2012

A Saturday Song..

ok. This song makes me laugh soooo hard.. lol.. if you have ever been to a whole foods or a whole foods parking lot for that matter, you will laugh along with me. For a good time call David Wittman..;)

So, if you have a Whole Foods story you would like to share, proceed to the comments and share away.

This Moment...

Inspired by Soulemama..

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you have a moment from this week you want to share, tell me about it or leave a link in the comments.. Have a great weekend. xo

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Today's Bounty..

I thought I would share the gifts of our garden this morning. I will soon be writing about said garden and the steep learning curve that comes with it but I am taking this bounty and my two children and running off to finish building the cob oven a group of us started last weekend (which I will also be writing about soon :)).

Hoping your day is filled with good work and blessings. xo

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Mum.

Strong, gentle, caring, kind, talented, gorgeous, intelligent, did I mention caring?.. so caring.., survivalist, resourceful, compassionate.. and there are some things there are no words for. It is my belief that there are many folks that do not understand how important this woman truly is. Mum, Mummy, Ma, Barbara Ann Falconer, Peanut, Barbie, you're a gift to us and I am so very, very blessed to have your blood in mine.

I love you. Always. xo

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Saturday Song...

The sun has arrived.. and none too soon.. as all the lower mainlanders breath a sigh of relief, here's a tune from three incredible men singing a song written by my favorite bug..  EnJoy!

Friday, May 11, 2012

This Moment...

Inspired by Soulemama..

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Saturday Song..

Well, today's song is not really a song.. On the 3rd of May, Pete Seeger (a hero of mine), turned 93 years young! I found this video by Democracy Now of Bruce Springsteen honouring Pete at his 90th and it says it all.  Cheers Pete!

Do you have a favorite Pete Seeger Song? If you can find it somewhere, leave a link in the comments:)

Friday, May 4, 2012

This Moment..

Inspired by Soulemama..

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I'm a sucker for an Apple Tree

When we found out we had to move, we knew we wanted to leave B-town (aka Burnaby) and go back to East Vancouver. We hoped for an affordable, preferably lovely bedbug free home, with a bit of space, not owned by slumlords (which, in Vancouver, is a near impossibility these days... but that's a whole other conversation). We looked at lots of places on gorgeous tree lined streets that were overpriced, cold, rundown, moldy.. which I found so sad since I could tell that, at one time, these houses had been homes, filled with love and respect but now had fallen into uncaring hands. Three days before we were meant to leave for a week in Alaska, I found yet another posting for a home that seemed to have promise. I basically stalked the the landlord for 24 hours and he told me we could come and see it the next day. We were not the only ones there for the showing, and we all walked into the 'home' (inhabited by 4 twenty year old men), and were met with a disgusting disaster. It was hard to see the forest for the trees.. it seems every one of those boys owned 4 couches and an aquarium long devoid of any life but filled with water and muck nonetheless. Beds in closets (ah remember those days..), I won't even go into the state of the bathroom, and they collected their 30 or so pizza boxes between the wall and the very old gas stove (a perfect place for oily paper products..;)). Right, back to the point. The inside was a nightmare and overwhelming, but charming and hopeful. However, when we stepped outside, I saw something that made me turn and say to my man:" let's take it babe". The Apple Tree.

It was summer when we moved in and it was just a big, beautiful, leafy mama. There was so much to do in the house that there was not much time for her though and the kids were a bit intimidated by the mass amount of bugs that enjoyed the unkept tree as well.. So Autumn came and apples started to fall.. Lucian, The Apple King, of course ate many of the fallen apples.. bugs, bruises and all. The rest of us were sorely disappointed by the taste.. they were yucky really. Again, the house was requiring so much work that I didn't think, as I was composting bushel after bushel of apples, that there must be SOME reason that apple tree had stood for so long.. I thought I might try an apple crisp with the last of the apples just to give it another chance. And as the house filled with a most delicious aroma of apple, a light bulb finally went off in my head.. Could they be baking apples??  Well, they are. Such delicious baking apples. Oh how I felt a fool.

When the cold winds of fall blew the leaves to the ground, Eddie gently pruned her away from power and clothes lines and got rid of some suckers, balancing her weight more evenly. He even cleared a perfect spot for a certain someone to climb and sit.

Over the Winter, (as I had hoped) Sage found a quiet space for thinking, listening to birds, getting away from his brother and of course monkeying around in this sleeping tree. Meanwhile, Lucian became the Lorax of all things slimy.. poor worms, and Edward began fulfilling a dream of becoming an urban farmer. 
One day when walking home from taking Sage to the bus, I noticed something on the tree...

Spring has arrived! In that moment something crossed my mind that I had not considered before. Two beautiful words that would force me to stare at her daily in anticipation: Apple. Blossoms.
When would it happen?? I felt like a child waiting for Christmas. This week, my gift arrived. (these pictures span approx. two months)

I don't want to leave my home these days.. (And fortunately, I am suffering from quite a brutal lung cold, and my little one hurt his arm, so there is no need to go very far..:)) I'm soaking it in... and sooo looking forward to watching the apples grow.
I realize that she doesn't have a name yet.. must rectify that.

Happy Beltane everyone and find a reason to smile today:)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lessons of the week.. so far.

Well, this week I've learned two very important lessons that I think will help others who may be faced with similar situations...
                   1- If your child has a cast or splint on their arm, DO NOT think that putting a plastic bag over it and taping it REALLY WELL to their arm will keep it dry for swim class.
                   2- If you like to hide chocolate in your steamer, DO remember to check inside of it before all that lovely goodness melts into the pot of boiling water below.. for shame.

Now, go fourth and plant something!