Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday Morning Yoga

Happy Spring Equinox! I feel almost relieved since this winter has seemed expecially wet and long to me. There are a few flowers on the Camilia tree out front, and snow drops in the flower beds.. but the sounds of the birds singing brings colour to my cheeks. Blessed be those little birds :)  With the recent family purchase of a Blue Orchard Mason Bee hive and twelve cocoons, my boys are filled with excitement over watching them hatch and everything that follows. So welcome spring, lets get this show on the road!!
I was thinking that since winter is cold and we tend to sit alot more than any other time of year, a great yoga pose to bring some heat and energy into our bodies would be Utkatasana (Chair Pose).  Push past the discomfort, find strength in your breath, believe in yourself and breathe..

(Chair Pose)

Chair pose can be an awkward pose but it is a very powerful pose at the same time. It builds strength in the arms and legs, but also the mind. Breathing into the places that burn will help release the pain. It stimulates the abdominal organs, diaphragm and heart, and can even reduce flat feet. I find this pose challenges me to demand more of myself.

1. Stand with your feet hip width apart.
2. Raise your arms over your head keeping arms straight and shoulders down.
3. As you exhale, bend your knees and move your upper body forward at 45 degrees.
4. Bring your knees as close to parrallel to the floor as you can but remember to not let your knees go past your toes (so stick your bum out while keeping your back strainght)
5. Stay in this pose for 30 seconds to a minute (try to do it 3 times with a standing rest in between) and enjoy.


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